In the United States, there are many public places to hunt. Different groups, like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Army Corps of Engineers, are in charge of these lands. On military bases, you can also hunt for deer. But it's important to know that many of these areas only let a certain number of hunters in at a time, so make sure you know the rules before you go.
White-tailed deer are especially hard to find and have a lot of secrets. Bowhunting isn't a sure thing, but you can increase your chances of success by going to places with many deer. Most of the time, you can find deer near ponds, lakes, and ridgelines. These places are called "pinch points," and they can have a lot of deer.
People know that many big deer are in the Trans-Pecos area of northern Texas. But there is a lot of demand for permits in this area, and each year only a small number of hunters get them. The area also has a lot of other animals and rolling hills in the background.
The places where deer run can be found by following their tracks. Over time, these paths will become more clear. Deer move from one place to another to look for food. Most of the time, these places are muddy and soft. This means that the deer will leave tracks in the ground that are deep and clear. Also, they will leave many tracks going in different directions. Where these runs meet is a good place to set up.
It's important to keep an eye on the wind when hunting on the ground. Deer face the wind with their noses. If you're going in the right direction, you won't run into the deer sleeping at the edge of the field. Also, if you hunt farther from the edge of the field, your footsteps will leave less of a scent behind.
In the morning and evening, the best places to hunt deer are where the wind is coming from the right direction. A big part of being successful at hunting is putting your stand in the right place. Ensure your stand is near a feeding ground or other place where animals can get food. You should choose a place to set your stand higher than the deer.
In the fall, the best places to hunt deer are where there is a lot of food. In late summer and fall, deer will eat and sleep like before. The time is right to hunt for bucks. You need to know how the seasons change to do well in these places.
If you want to hunt deer in the Midwest, you should consider how many deer live in the area you want to hunt. No matter how many deer there are or how few, you'll probably be able to get a good one. If you can find such a place, your hunt will be the stuff of legends.
If you want to hunt big whitetail deer with a bow, Iowa is a great place to go. There are a lot of public lands and a lot of money in the state. Most bowhunters and muzzleloader hunters look for trophy whitetails in the state. For example, the Rathbun Wildlife Area in Iowa has good deer hunting on 15,800 acres. And the Yellow River State Forest in Iowa has a great place for deer to live on 8,900 acres.
Texas is another great place to go hunting for deer. It has many whitetail deer and an equal number of people who hunt them. But it would help if you had a multi-day hunting package and a permit to hunt in this area, so you'll need to plan. Also, deer in Texas are known to be very aggressive during rutting season, so you'll have to be patient and call them closer.
A steady wind of at least ten mph is needed to hunt in lower spots. If you don't, the wind will whip around, so picking a place with a steady wind speed is important. Milkweed is a good way to tell where the wind is coming from. When a set is shiny, it is new, but it will dry and break down after a few days. If you only find fresh sat in one place, the deer will likely move on to another spot.
Conversely, Missouri is a great place for trophy hunters in the Midwest to look for deer. This state is across the Missouri River from Kansas. It has a very healthy age structure and is a great place for trophy hunters. Missouri is a great place to hunt deer because there are many public lands. It also has a lot to offer.